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Q What should my baby wear for lessons?

A swim nappy and swim suit


Q How long are lessons?

A 30 minutes and 1 hour for Junior lifeguards over 8s ONLY


Q Do i have to get into the water?

A Yes for parent and baby and toddler lessons.


Q How long will it take my child take to swim ?

A How long is a piece of string ? It depends on the child.


Q Can I take photos?

A ONLY if you have permission of other parents and teacher


Q Do I have to come every week?

A Yes if you want your child to improve. 


Q If we are away or can't make the swimming lesson can we catch up?

A No unfortunately I can't offer this anymore due to the current situation.

Q How many children in the lesson?

A We try to stick to max of 6 in a class. Parent and baby maybe more.


Q How do we pay for the class?

A I will send an invoice via email and you can pay by BAC , Cheque or cash.


Q What happens if the pool is closed?

A I will either offer a catch up lesson or take the payment off next terms fees.


Q Can i pay each month / Term

A Yes

Q Do you run though school holidays?

A No but i do offer intensive classes over the summer not compulsory 

Q Do you offer a free trial?

A Yes

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