Please find below rules for each school that have outlined preventative measures to keep both children and adults safe.If you have any questions regarding safety please contact me or ask any member of staff before your lesson.
Students should arrive in their swimming kit and travel home to change/shower as the use of the changing rooms and shower facilities will not be available.
2. Please do not enter the pool until instructed to by a member of staff.
3. Everyone needs to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.
4. Please stay at home if you do not feel well, tested positive for covid-19, or were exposed to someone who has tested for covid-19.
5. Social distance keep 2m apart from others when you go into a shared space.
6/ We encourage the use of face masks for all staff and spectators who are 2 years and over and are NOT swimming. Spectators must always be limited in numbers and ensuring appropriate social distancing. 1 parent per swimmer and where possible no siblings.
BCPS Swimming Guidelines
Montacute Swimming Guidelines
There can be no more than 15 children in the pool at any one time. The classes will now be 5 in each class, with a teacher in the water with group 1. The teachers for groups 2 & 3 will be on the poolside.
2.Only 4 spectators on the poolside at any one time. Group 1 parents ONLY. One parent per child and no siblings allowed. Chairs will be placed on poolside 2 meters apart. PLEASE do not move them.
3.Please can your child come ready to swim and where possible please leave straight after the lesson.
4.Changing rooms will be available but please only use them if you really must and as follows:
4 - in the girls changing room
3 - in the boys changing room
1 - in the disabled changing room
THIS WILL be closely monitored.
5.Group 2 & 3 parents will need to wait in the car.
6.Showers are not available.
7.Toilets are available but please try to encourage your child to go at home. Children must wash hands after using the toilet.
8.Please do not bring your child to the lesson if they or you or anyone in your family have been ill or are showing symptoms. We need to keep everyone safe.
9.Prior to each class everyone must wash their hands or use the hand sanitizer located by the door to the changing rooms.
10.All swimmers need to get out of the pool straight after the lessons, change and leave the building.
11.The above rules are the school’s own rules. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concern
Montacute School Swimming Guidelines OOWNLOAD